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"UNDONE is a half-hour, genre-bending, animated series that explores the elastic nature of reality through its central character Alma, a twenty-eight-year-old living in San Antonio, Texas. After getting into a car accident and nearly dying, Alma finds she has a new relationship to time. She develops this new ability in order to find out the truth about her father’s death."

-Official Amazon Prime Youtube channel

Undone has received critical acclaim. It has made it's way onto many "Top TV shows of 2019" lists, including those of the New York Times, USA Today, Indiewire, TV AV Club, Vanity Fair and Time Magazine. It has also been nominated for Best Animated Series at the Critics Choice Awards.

From October 2018 until May 2019, I was a 3D artist for Undone

Programs used: Blender, Photoshop

> 3D Layout; Texturing; Lighting; Rendering; Camera tracking; Minor 3D Animation

In this shot, I was responsible for the 2 first rollercoaster segments (excluding the extras

behind the main characters).

In this scene, I was responsible for the camera tracking, projection mapping and lighting of the footage seen on the laptop screen.

For this scene, I took care of the 3D layout, texturing and lighting.


For this scene, I was responsible for texturing and lighting.

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